Advantages of Carpet

Excellent Noise Absorption

As carpets have better noise absorption with relatively low resonance compared to other flooring mater-
ials, they are well-suited to creating a quiet life (office) environment.

When comparing noise reduction coefficients (NRC) among different flooring materials, roll carpet’s NRC
is 0.3, tile carpets is 0.2, and materials with NRC of 0.3 or above are generally classified as having noise
reduction properties. Therefore, by installing only carpets (carpet tiles) which will absorb various noises
and control reflected sound indoors, you can create a relatively quiet office or cultural space.

Absorption coefficients compared to finish floor

Roll carpets, carpet tiles, wooden flooring, concrete, sound absorbing material sound absorption coefficient measurement table
125hz 250hz 500hz 1000hz 2000hz 4000hz NRC
Roll Carpet 0.03 0.04 0.15 0.39 0.58 0.50 0.29
Tile Carpet 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.25 0.33 0.35 0.18
Wood Floor 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.10
Concrete Floor 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Noise Absorption
0.15 0.21 0.37 0.52 0.37 0.30 0.37

Noise absorption material: polyester noise absorption material (art board)

Note) NRC measurement (KSF2805 Reverberant sound absorption measurement

[Incident sound – reflected sound] / incident sound)

Thermal Insulation Effect

As carpets have low thermal conductivity, they can reduce the quantity of heat required to maintain a set
temperature for heating and cooling. With carpets, the space becomes warm faster and maintains a
warmer indoor temperature by using the same quantity of heat (same effect when cooling).

Research shows that when heating stops, a place with carpet flooring loses heat slower over time.

< Comparison of Thermal Conductivity by Flooring Material >

Year by type of conductivity in Table
Material Thermal Conductivity (Kcal/mh℃)
Carpet 0.059
Tadami (Japanese floor mat), mat products 0.093
Wood 0.11
Concrete 1.3
Marble 2.4

[Source] Tokyo Institute of Technology, Research Center

Stop heating when the room temperature drops, stop cooling to room temperature graphs related to Xiang River

Excellent walk performance (less fatigue, greater safety)

As carpets provide an excellent sensation when walking on it, you can feel relatively less fatigue if you live
in a space with carpet flooring. Carpets are also non-slippery flooring material that can prevent aged or
pregnant people from slipping.

Material according to the physiological fatigue (increased heart rate) measurement table
Material Physiological fatigue (Increase in heat rate)
After 5 min After 30 min Fatigue increase
Carpet 20.4 22.3 1.9
Wood 19.5 22.0 2.8
Concrete 21.8 26.4 4.6

[Source] Tokyo Institute of Technology, Research Center

Clean Environment (Removal of Airborne Dust)

As carpets absorb dust floating in the air, they can create a more pleasant environment compared to PVC
or wooden flooring materials.
Research on the incidence of asthma by flooring material has found that carpets record lower incidence of
asthma compared to other materials.

Asthma-specific expression ratio of floor